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Coach Registration

Welcome, Coach!

Congratulations. You have been selected as a PYWSA coach. In this role you will entrusted to play a critical role in the athletic and personal development of our softball community's youth and future leaders. As such, the PWYSA has a mandatory and thorough process that must be completed prior to your first team event. Please follow the step-by-step instructions below.
Questions? Contact your program director, Andy (Travel) or Jenny (Rec).

Required Certifications

Please complete the online trainings linked below and screen shot your certifications, including the Coaches Code of Ethics (read & sign) and send to PWYSA's travel coordinator here
1.Create account.
Association: MN-Minnesota
Group: Girls Fastpitch
League: Default
Membership: Head Coach membership if Head, Coach membership if Assistant

2. Complete Background Check
3. Complete the three SafeSport sessions
4. Complete the ACE certification.

Sexual Abuse Training

1. Create account. 2. Sign In 3. Select “Register” (select Not Affiliated for membership) 4. Confirm email 5. Sign-in again and click “Training" 7. Select “SafeSport™ Trained” and add to bag. 7. Select “Add Coupon” and enter PWYSA100041321 8. Select “Checkout”.

Required Meetings

Please prioritize the following dates for critical coach training from the PCA and Hit Dawg Academy.
Coaches Clinic Hitting | 3/5, 5:30-6:15pm
Wind Up Fastpitch (7675 Washington Ave S, Edina, MN)
Hosted by Angie McBeain (Wind Up Fastpitch).  Topics covered will include: five elements of hitting progression, drills to incorporate into practice plans.
Coaches Clinic General Skills, Pitching and Catching |
3/12 6-8pm Wind Up Fastpitch (7675 Washington Ave S, Edina, MN)
4/16 6-8ppm Wayzata High School, Gym 9
Hosted by Melissa Chmielewski (Wayzata Varsity Coach) & Meghan Seymore (PWYSA Director of Coaching and Player Development.  Topics covered will include how to run effective practices, offensives, defensive drills, pitching & catching drills for practice.


Please complete a formal coaching application and check you certification status below.